  1. Have you positioned your business in the best medium term market?
  2. Are you remarkable or invisible in the market?
  3. Are you clear on your Product Road Map?
  4. Is your business outgrowing your staff?
  5. Are you waiting too long to hire new people?
  6. Have you formalized internal training of all staff?
  7. Is your balance sheet fit for purpose?
  8. Are you measuring the right stuff?
  9. Do you know why you are making money?
  10. Are you deploying the best business model given your product?
  11. Are your systems holding you back?
  12. Is your lead generation process predictable & repeatable?
  13. Is your marketing team aligned with your sales staff?
  14. Is demand outstripping your capacity?
  15. Are acquisitions the right tool for you?
  16. Is your growth being constrained by you the owner?