Where do you find great ideas for a daily or weekly blog? Here is a checklist of sources you might find useful. Once you’ve listed your top 50, I would recommend listing them in a simple editorial calendar like this:

Appoint authors for each post and an overall project manager to get them done and published on time.


  1. Previous popular posts revamped
  2. LinkedIn Groups posing interesting problems
  3. Issues from customer conversations
  4. Issues brought up in training sessions
  5. Industry magazines/on line articles where you have a strong view
  6. Issues surrounding your product launches or others
  7. Stories from Case Studies
  8. How to procure services/products like yours – a buyer’s guide
  9. Issues relevant to specific sectors, aerospace, automotive, recruitment, professional services etc
  10. Brainstorm with your team – perhaps themed around issues you might worry about if you were a customer
  11. A view on breaking industry news
  12. Trends that concern you
  13. Survey results that you find interesting
  14. Guest blog posts using industry thought leaders
  15. Interviews discussing an issue dear to your readers heart
  16. A negative trend in your industry and a possible solution
  17. The dangers of a specific solution
  18. 10 things to look out for when conducting a ……..
  19. Break your solution down into process stages and describe best practice in each stage of the process – several blog topics
  20. Cost saving tips are always popular
  21. How to work out your ROI on an investment
  22. The issues you need to consider to guarantee results
  23. Guidance on how to maximize the efficiency of your team using our product
  24. The dangers of overseas trading
  25. Industry myths
  26. The real cost of implementing a solution
  27. A checklist for minimizing risk
  28. Relevant books you’ve read and your take
  29. Stating industry problems and without showing exactly how to solve them – showing the way forward
  30. Showing the significance of events, legislation changes, acquisitions etc for your industry
Preferably blog posts should be 400 to 500 words long but they can be as short as 200 words.
Thoughts are always welcome below. Write to Ian.Smith@portfoliopartnership.com