Private companies are formed for many reasons. Employees are fired and are driven to start their own business. Some people just get bored with the corporate politics. Others see a gap in the market. But few are driven by purpose. 9/11 was a catastrophic event on US soil which echoed all around the globe.

When the Twin Towers collapsed on September 11th, the Marriot Hotel at 3 World Trade Center nestled between them was destroyed. Paula C. Beauregard, CEO of Edge Velocity had been booked into the hotel for the evening of September 10th but her business trip had been rescheduled to the following week. In addition her colleague’s son was on board the ill-fated Flight 93 which was flown into the ground near Shanksville, PA.

These events change people. As information emerged detailing the facts surrounding these tragic events, it became disturbingly clear that first responders did not have the technology to communicate with each other at a time when they desperately needed it.

Paula was astonished they didn’t have the advanced technology to effectively support their missions. That was a turning point in Paula’s career. “I knew I wanted to focus on doing what I could to improve security in our country and to improve communications, especially for our first responders.”

From its formation in 2004, 10 years on, Edge Velocity is poised to become a dominant communications technology in the First Responder, Critical Infrastructure and Transportation markets.

This is the recent video presentation at the Venture Forum at WPI, explaining the business and how it has been funded. Click here.

I invite my readership to reach out to learn more about the Edge Velocity story and how they might help our cause at

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