Operator Tips to Align Your Team
You may have heard of the term zero-based budgeting. The basic thesis is to look at your business through the eyes of a start-up. If you were starting today from scratch, what would you spend money on? Costs creep on over time and before you know it your business is...
Valuation Vs Saleability
Valuation As the owner of a private company you can commission a valuation of your business at any time. For example a 409A valuation is an independent appraisal of the fair market value (FMV) of a private company’s common stock on the date of issuance. This valuation...
That’s Not The Right Question
One of the best dialogues in the latest season of True Detective is when Jodie Foster, as Police Chief Liz Danvers says, “you’re asking the wrong question”! As the owner and CEO of your growing business, you will have many challenges in front of you. To solve these...
Why Investment Banks Fail To Sell Businesses
As a sell side Investment Banker (I was one for 15 years in London) you will probably specialize in certain sectors after being a generalist. Over time you might have done five or six semiconductor supply chain deals or sold 10 recruitment businesses but to be...