Reimagining The Exit Process – Building Businesses Buyers Love To Buy
During the next three years many companies across the globe will come to market to exit with the help of an Investment Bank and most will be disappointed with the results. Many will receive an underwhelming offer, many will not receive any offer at all, and many will...
Valuation Vs Saleability
Valuation As the owner of a private company you can commission a valuation of your business at any time. For example a 409A valuation is an independent appraisal of the fair market value (FMV) of a private company’s common stock on the date of issuance. This valuation...
Entrepreneurship and the Exit Myth
Most entrepreneurs start a business to create something valuable whether they bootstrap it from Day 1 or launch through seed capital and/or venture capital. The type of funding will influence the exit process. External funders will expect an exit. If the business is...
Branding For Buyout
Sometimes you meet a friend through a network event, or a common connection, or though your kids but rarely do you realize you have a new friend through a book! Branding For Buyout by Ted Schlueter nails one of the realities of private company exits – most owners need...