Doubt and how to overcome it

  Last week Seth Godin posted a brilliantly incisive post on the power of Doubt! Titled, The benefit of the doubt, he brought into focus, in my view, why we fail to move people. In his words: “The crowd likes the songs from the singer they came to hear, not the...

Why a Great Strategy Isn’t Enough

As the leader of a private company with 20 to 100 employees, you are in an elite class. To be precise, your company is in the top 2% of all companies (600,000 out of 27.3m). The business has done well. But what is the next stage for you? To get bigger? To reduce...

Improving Customers’ Lives – 10 Key Actions

As Bernadette Jiwa noted in her new book, “difference”, it’s becoming more and more difficult to be different. In a world that’s constantly on, 24/7, how do you stand out? Well as she put it so succinctly, it’s not about being different;...

Book Review – “difference” by Bernadette Jiwa

I read a very insightful book over Easter – difference by Bernadette Jiwa. Standing on the shoulders of some very smart people, she offers a compelling approach to reimagining your business. The thesis of the book involves a one page Difference Map. The map asks you...

Prospecting is not dead: Search Vs. Discovery

Seth Godin published one of his mind-dismantling blog posts earlier this month: Search vs. Discovery. In the post, he was drawing a clear distinction between the two. In Seth’s words, “search is what we call the action of knowing what you want and questing until you...