I was inspired to write a short article by a recent event I attended at Katahdin’s CEO club, where we discussed the issues surrounding exiting to a PE firm compared with selling out to a strategic. These thoughts are based on my own experience and I make some...
Acquisitions are often a graveyard of failed dreams. It’s not the fact they didn’t close. Sure, you got the deal done but so what. I’m talking about the deals that close but never deliver the value forecasted in the business case. Here is a little comparison to think...
Source youreconomy.com In 2012 the venture capital industry invested $26Bn in the US market, in 3698 firms at an average investment of $7m (NVCA). These were directed at start up companies. Approximately 40% of these firms will fail so it’s not an investment...
The odds are stacked against you. You knew that. Even for serial entrepreneurs like Dharmesh Shah (founder of HubPpot) who despite compelling evidence struggled to raise angel money after his fist big hit. At a recent Founder Dialogues event he explained that he had...
Let’s face it the Private Equity (PE) Industry has had an atrocious run of bad PR over the last few years. Of course some players have been rightly “called out” for excessive leverage, over generous fees, weak commercial judgement including some pretty huge losses...